For years I had to concentrate completely on my lace when making it, but now that time is mostly over. I am taking a break from the altar cloth, with 60 inches done and 74 to go, but ended up with another tedious project, my flag for the T shirt, which had inches of very wide plain linen stitch. May not even be lace, although it looks great on the shirt. Once the pattern is more or less learned, I like to listen to books to avoid tedium. If the pattern is a bit of a challenge, I like a book I've already read or listened to, if not, it doesn't matter. Helps for things like yardage.

I also like to make lace in beautiful places. By the sea, or a lake, or in a forest. We didn't buy the house, we bought the view, which overlooks the Conestoga River(actually a creek) with deer and the occasional eagle. I love to make lace by the sliding glass door and watch the dawn in winter. In summer that's just a bit too early. It somehow enhances the whole thing. Perhaps it's enhancing the soul, and that goes into the lace being made.

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, where the first rain is over, and more is to come. A good day to wash the Newfoundland dog.
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