A few years ago I bought a ream of red thick paper, I think 24 pound paper. I like using the red. I bought the matte contact paper, but I did find that I needed to make it even more dull by rubbing it with a dedicated piece of stainless steel pot scrubber. I find that this works extremely well. I figure I am set for life. All the markings show on the red, the white thread is easy to see. Got the paper at Staples, (a chain of US office supply stores).

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, where we are waiting for a severe thunderstorm. Fortunately, dinner is cooked, so any power outages will not affect us too much.

Devon wrote:
Blue film is no longer being made. Vendors are offering a gray instead. The
gray contact paper is expensive just as the blue was. But why not switch
to  clear matte which is very inexpensive and sold all over instead?

Clear matte contact paper sells for $6.86 for an 18 inch by 9  foot roll at
Amazon which will probably last most people for the rest of their  lives.
This is about the same price as a single small sheet of gray  contact paper.
Also since the contact paper is so cheap, you buy it by the  roll, not the
piece, and it stays nice and flat on the roll so there is less  wastage.

If I am going to search the world over for an  exotic, expensive and hard
to obtain item, I would rather it was  thread or bobbins.

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