Please computer search Rit dye remover - there is a lot of information  
Over 40 years ago, I tried to dye some beautiful textured-like-lace  braid 
- for use as trim on 2 antique  upholstered chairs.  Originally white, it 
needed to be a soft  gold.  The gold Rit dye did not "take" evenly.  I 
remember a Rit dye  remover took out all the "finishing chemicals" to which the 
manufacturers had subjected the braid.  The next step was to dye the braid  a 
second time.  It "took", and the gold upholstered chairs are almost  
like-new in the lace and embroidery library.   There has been no  change in the 
I am very familiar with conservation and restoration of laces and  
embroideries, but at the time had not gone to museum-offered conferences on the 
subject.  For my purpose, it was fine.  I would not guarantee red dye  will be 
removed without damage.  However, I think the Rit dye remover would  be fine 
on the all-white washable religious vestment that started this  discussion. 
 It is a garment that probably was meant to be washed  and to eventually 
wear out.
However, Alice, I suggest you examine the lace to determine if it  
can/should be removed before this treatment.  (Probably it has been washed  
  Has the lace also been affected by the  dye?  Also, if the lace is in 
good condition, someone could make a  pattern from the garment so it can be 
remade in new fabric at some future date,  and maybe the lace can be recycled.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center
A lady in my area has a white priest's robe with lace on it,  including 
wide cuffs.  Red satin was placed behind the lace to show it  off.  Evidently 
someone washed the robe without removing the red satin, and  it has red color 
on the white fabric... the garment was from early or mid 20th  century so 
is not really early.  The lace is probably machine made, from  the picture.  
I think the fabric is cotton.  Does anyone have a  suggestion of how to get 
red marks out of fabric?   Alice in  Oregon

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