One of my many weaknesses is books, and I have never seen mention of a ghost pillow. But when 8 out of 8 people in a Flanders class are using them, it's time to sit up and take notice. I use them in Binche all the time. Perhaps in 20 years I won't need to, but by then I'll be 87, and my eyes may not be up to making lace. It is a very helpful thing. I began using a ghost pillow when I used post-it arrows to point to where I was in a Flanders handkerchief which was way above my skill level. It was the only way I could keep track of things.

A ghost pillow/voodoo board is made by putting your diagram, however large you want it, on something that accepts pins. I use my pricking cork board. Use whatever pins you prefer, whatever system works for you.

Lyn from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA where it is night.

Jocelyn wrote?
So I looked up ghost pillow and nothing surfaced. Is this term in any instruction book? Perhaps a photo would be helpful. I do colour codes on an enlarged diagram of the pricking on my pillow. This seems to help. It's only for the tricky parts, esp when there's a forest of many pins and best not to undo rows of finished work. Does anyone else do this?
Jocelyn in Winnipeg, central Canada.

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