To those missing out on Jeri's emails - perhaps think about switching to the
Digest form of Arachne. Jeri's emails are always there.


Thank you Jeri, for all your wonderful information that you give us on such
a variety of Lace subjects. You are a "fount of knowledge" and it is always
a delight to read your emails with all their knowledge and help in them.


I had a great day yesterday. We are away on holiday, - to our usual spot, -
and we took a long drive to the next town - over the State border, - and met
up with some other Lacemakers for lunch!  Lots of laughter, lots of lace
talk, and also some 'looking at lace' that they were making or had made!
Lacemakers are such a lovely group of supportive people, - various age
groups, and lifestyles, but brought together by our wonderful craft.


I am very distressed by the recent bickering and nasty comments here on
Arachne. Please, everyone,. - lets get back to Lacemaking, and Friendship,
and leave the nastiness well out of the way.  This is not the right place
for spiteful comments.


Liz in Mallacoota

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