All will note that I recently began trying to write without using quotation
marks and apostrophes.  This is because my incoming mail from some
correspondents replace these grammar marks with bold question marks.  I think
that maybe my posts are doing this to messages I send.  
Devon,  This week I viewed the current Ornament magazine (published in
California) at Barnes and Noble.  It features a nice long article about
Aileen Riberio.  I appreciate her scholarship, also, and have 6 of her books
in my library.  Lace scholars will use a variety of fashion books, though now
it is possible to do a lot of searching via computer.
There were about a dozen lace books Lori Howe and I referenced whenever there
were lace identification questions in connection with developing the (now
extinct) Lace Fairy site - 20 years ago.   Following this exercise, I would
select books on high fashion and national costumes of all eras, to see if we
could match laces to their appropriate application on clothing.  We all know
that laces were made for household linens and ecclesiastical use, but mostly
they were collected and worn for personal adornment. 
Perhaps I should repeat what has been said on more than one occasion - if you
are considering cutting up a damaged lace that is assembled into an unusual
shape - like collars, dress yokes, sleeves, caps, jabots and cravats - think
twice.  These shapes make it easier to identify the lace and place of origin.
 Those who teach may find them useful examples to pass around the room -
something they might not do with an old lace in perfect condition.
Yesterday, I wrote the following to Lorelei, but perhaps should have sent it
to all Arachne subscribers.
Bloomsbury Press specializes in fashion books.  I learned about Bloomsbury as
a member of the Costume Society of America.  Do you know any members?  Maybe
a search of their site will turn up something.  Also, that gives a suggestion
that you contact someone who is probably a volunteer at a costume collection
in a local museum, which might have the set of books in their research
library.  Sometimes, such libraries are open to scholars without charge.
Also, I found some ideas by searching 4-volumes Fashion History.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center
In a message dated 3/6/2018 5:06:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 Lorelei���s query about fashion history books is a good question. The
encountered by the lace historian is to try to figure out what all these
pieces of lace in museum collections started out trying to be. It is very
vexing, and I wish I understood the topic better.
I have found the books by Aileen Ribeiro to be very helpful.

.....Any book that is actually written about fashion quite likely leaves out
lace as unimportant. But photographs of the late 19th and early 20th century
can show lace on them. It is mostly these strange shaped accessories that one
does find in museum collections, and antique shows, sometimes even composed
older lace....Devon

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