Dear Louise, Thank you so much for the websites and information.  We will
be spending 3 days in Bedford, seeing Luton, Olney and the Higgins. 
Fortunately, Luton, at least this year, is open on a Monday.  I have done
my homework, and can do the whole thing without a car, even though 2019
may be the last year they will rent to me, due to age.  Such a silly
rule.  Honiton is a train trip from Bath with a change in Salisbury.  I
tried to rent a car in Bath online, but it's not easy, and it is
expensive.  When I was in Bath in 2002, I walked to the train station and
rented a little car for something like 20 BP a day, but that's not a sure
thing.  It is 70 miles from Bath to Honiton.  Saw a lot, but the train
will work just fine.  lrb

  You’re not that far, perhaps an hour down the A1/A421 from the
  Cecil Higgins now known as the Higgins uk/

  they have a lovely reserve collection of lace, including the Lester
  collection: not much on show but if you contact Curator Lydia Saul
  there (details on the contact page) you may be able to book a visit
  to see the reserve stuff.

  A bit further away in Luton Wardown House  has a reserve lace
  collection: I don’t  know the curator or how to get in contact
  there but they have a Luton Culture web page. They seem to be
  concentrating on hats in displays.

  Likewise Northampton Museums  again about an hour away down the
  A605/A45 have a reserve lace collection, but are focussing on shoes.

  Lace at the V&A is supposed to be at Clothmakers Hall Blythe House
  but I read a while back it is all being slowly  moved offsite as they
  plan to relocate in 2023. Again a query to them will tell you more,
  and you can book a study visit.

  incidently the V&A just remodelled its main entrance to make it
  “less scary” and more approachable to much fanfare this week.

  Karen suggests hiring an automatic.  This is a great idea just be
  aware they are not that common a hire car in the UK (don’t know if
  it is the hills or the hangover from when automatic transmissions
  used to be much more expensive).

  I would’nt recommend trying to get to either Luton Bedford or
  Northampton direct by train from Peterborough, but London is a only
  an hour on East coast mainline, nonstop.

  Oh and Peterborough cathedral is rather fine, and is the resting
  place of Katherine of Aragon. The Norris Museum in St Ives,
  (Cambridgeshire) has a small fragment purporting to be from a lace
  shroud found over her coffin when her vault was opened. I’ll see if
  I can find the picture. It looks like Italian 17th century gros point
  or some such. needlelace to me. I don’t know what happened to the
  shroud or if it is still in the cathedral. The Norris is tiny and has
  little else, so not worth a special visit.


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