Fascinating article and thank you Jeri for asking Devon to post it on arachne.  
I've read the latest post about many thinking the collar to be that of 
needelace and not bobbin lace but can only get the NYT article on my laptop and 
not my iPad, where I was hoping to enlarge the portrait enabling me to pass an 
opinion as to whether I think it is needlelace or not, but unfortunately 
neither mine or my husband's iPad will allow!  I shall be watching with 
interest the discussions on Lace News.

Catherine Barley UK

Catherine Barley Needlelace

----Original message--
Subject : [lace] A Rembrandt discovered due to the lace

This article appeared in the New York Times magazine section this week. I
posted it on the International Organization of Lace's facebook page where
it has been very popular. Jeri Ames has encouraged me to post it on arachne
as well. Here is the link:
There are several interesting things in this article. One is that the
dealer Jan Six XI was immediately attracted to the lace on the painting
which is a collar style that he claims was only in fashion between

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