Hi Randy,

can you try to download and install php-psr-log 1.1.4 from here?


Debian and Ubuntu ship different major versions of it but an external dependency just supports the 1.x one. This will be resolved with LAM 8.8 in June (we need to increase the minimum required PHP version for this).


Best regards

Am 14.03.24 um 22:38 schrieb Rue, Randy:

I'm unable to install LAM Pro 8.6-1 using the ldap-account-manager_8.6-1_all.deb file to a clean 
install of Ubuntu LTS 22.04. When I try to install the .deb file using "dpkg -I" as the 
documentation says, I get a long list of failed package dependencies. When I next run "apt-get 
-f install" a bunch of packages are installed and LAM is actually uninstalled. When I run dpkg 
again, I get another list of failed dependencies.

I have tried installing all of the packages listed in the first error but a few 
of them don't appear to be in the repos.

For a hoot I tried installing 7.7-1 from the native Ubuntu repos and then 
upgrading but I still get a list of failed package dependencies.

I thought the point of dpkg and apt was to solve these dependencies 

I have attached shell output of the above failed steps.

Can anyone tell me how to install LAM Pro 8.6-1 to an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server?

Hope to hear from you,

Randy Rue
Seattle WA USA

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