Totally agreed. 
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---- On Tue, 07 Aug 2018 16:29:13 +0300 wrote ----

I'd close Talmudic Aramaic as ineligible. It's a dead language, studied by many 
people (especially Jews) for religious or academic purposes, but not useful for 
writing an encyclopedia. It has no native or monolingual speakers. All the 
people who know it also know Hebrew, English or other languages. Books in this 
language are comfortably hosted in the Hebrew Wikisource.

בתאריך 7 באוג׳ 2018 16:13,‏ "Steven White" <> כתב:
Wikipedia Simple French: This request proposes to create the Simple French 
Wikipedia using français fondamental, which LangCom has explicitly cited as an 
example of a simple Wikipedia that would be allowable under current rules. At 
the same time, current rules wouldn't allow a simple French project on 
Incubator; instead, the preference would be to incubate that within French 
Wikipedia. (If nothing else, allowing Simple French on Incubator, but no other 
simple project, would open an enormous can of worms ...)  I think what I am 
going to do here is to email the user and ask him if he has ever taken up the 
idea of incubating within French Wikipedia with that community—and if so, what 
that community responded. If, though, the community does not want to do so, do 
I allow in Incubator? Encourage them to incubate within Incubator Plus? (OWTB 
and I are in the process of creating a replacement Incubator Plus somewhere 
else besides Wikia.) I'd strongly appreciate people's thoughts about these 

Wikipedia Sherpa (xsr): Only one mainspace page. Closing as stale.

Wikipedia Ottoman Turkish (ota): This is a large, periodically active test. It 
last had pages added in June 2018. It's different enough from modern Turkish 
that I don't think a script converter does the job here. I'm not sure why this 
would be less eligible than Coptic, for example, given its historical 
importance and literature. Thoughts?

Wikipedia Goalpariya (Rangpuri) (rkt): 8 pages created over three years 
(2012–15). 15 million speakers. Marking as eligible.

Wikipedia Hawaiian Pidgin (hwc): Different from Hawaiian. But there is no test 
on Incubator. Closing as stale.

Wikipedia Jewish Bablyonian (Talmudic) Aramaic (tmr): The principal language of 
the Bablyonian Talmud. Test had a page added this year, but its other five 
mainspace pages date back to around the time of the request. Shall we just 
close as stale, or shall I contact the original proposer?


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