Hello all,

We are glad to share with you our results on input validation following the
spirit of langsec.

We have built a proof of concept input validator for HTTP messages solely by
writing down context-free grammars, regular expressions and, last but not
least, no user-defined code other than boilerplate. The checks our validator implements are a subset of those implemented in HTTPolice <https://github.com/vfaronov/httpolice>.

Our publicly available proof of concept <https://github.com/pevalme/HTTPValidator> is implemented on top of Flex and Bison but, in principle, any other parser/scanner generator would do. The rationale of our approach is explained in a technical report <https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.07198>.

Any comments, suggestions or pull requests are welcome!


HTTPValidator : https://github.com/pevalme/HTTPValidator
Technical report: https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.07198

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