On 7 April 2014 11:08, Mike Unwalla <m...@techscribe.co.uk> wrote:
> Thanks Dave.
>  I am not an XML expert. I understand the phrase 'define a transform' to
> mean 'specify a mapping'. If my understanding is not correct, please tell
> me.

That's right.
As a trial, if you give me a few examples,
and how you want these in the output, we can start from there.

> There is not a 1:1 mapping between the term checker postags and the LT
> postags. Thus, I cannot define a transform for all the postags, but I can
> define a transform for some of them. However, there are possible problems as
> the examples below show.

I need the XML source markup (is the source XML?)
  XSLT works on XML in and XML out.

> Example 1. Ignoring technical verbs that LT does not 'know', a verb that has
> the postag STE_VERB_LEXICAL_BASE usually has the LT postag VB. However,
> although the verb 'do' has the LT postag VB, it does not have the postag
> STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_CAN_DO_MUST_WILL.) Thus, without excluding 'do' from a
> rule, you cannot map STE_VERB_LEXICAL_BASE to VB.

I'm not sure I understand this... If you can express the conditions, then I can
write a transform based on those conditions.
E.g. (guessing)

input <do>   -> <VB>
 Although that sounds too simple?

> Example 2. With an approved 2-word plural noun, the first word has the
> postag STE_TN_NOUN_MULTI_WORD_PLURAL_1 and the second word has the postag
> STE_TN_NOUN_MULTI_WORD_PLURAL_2. (TN is an abbreviation of 'Technical Name',
> which is a term from the STE specification.) The 3 terms that follow are
> approved 2-word nouns. The LT postags that relate to nouns are different for
> the first word. The LT postags for nouns are in brackets:
> circuit breakers (NN, NNS)
> duty cycles (NN:UN, NNS)
> operating systems (-, NNS)

(written as

then maps to ... Again I do not understand the English explanation,
perhaps an XML example?
"following terms" - are these XML children (nested within the parent)
or siblings?


Dave Pawson
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