W dniu 2014-04-07 19:23, Mike Unwalla pisze:
> Hello All,
> When I run testrules against this rule in LT 2.5, testrules does not give an
> error message:
>   <rule id="antipattern" name="antipattern">
>        <antipattern>
>          <token skip="-1">happy</token>
>          <token>cat</token>
>        </antipattern>
>        <pattern>
>          <token>cat</token>
>        </pattern>
>        <message>The word 'happy' does not come anywhere before the word
> 'cat'.</message>
>        <short>antipattern</short>
>        <example type="correct">The <marker>happy cat</marker> sat on the
> mat.</example>
> <!--      <example type="correct">The <marker>happy and fat cat</marker> sat
> on the mat.</example>-->
>        <example type="incorrect">The lazy <marker>cat</marker> sat on the
> mat.</example>
>        <example type="incorrect">The <marker>cat</marker> is happy.</example>
>      </rule>
> But, when I remove the comments from the second 'correct' example, testrules
> gives an error message:
> ... Did not expect error in: The happy and fat cat sat on the mat. (Rule:
> antipattern[1]:[cat]:antipattern)
> http://wiki.languagetool.org/development-overview#toc12 states "You can use
> all subelements of 'pattern' in 'antipattern' but 'phrase' and 'or'."
> 1. Is the antipattern correct [LT has a bug] or is the documentation
> incorrect?
> 2. If <token skip="-1"> is not correct, shouldn't testrules give an error?

Well, <antipattern> is simply a disambiguation immunizing rule, and 
disambiguation rules by default take effect only on the first token if 
no markers are given. Use explicit markers, and you'll get what you want:

                 <token skip="-1">happy</token>

Maybe we should change the default behavior (implying only a marker 
around "happy") as it may be quite confusing. I simply solved the 
problem by always using markers.


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