
Attached: Firefox-48-add-on-corrected-text-has-highlight.png

A) After I accept a correction, the corrected text is highlighted. If
possible, remove the highlight from corrected text.

B) The popup on the LT icon is:
Check the current selection or text field with LanguageTool

If I do not select text on a web page, I see inconsistent messages after I
click the LT icon:
1) www.bing.com
If you have just installed or (re-)activated this extension, please reload
the tab first in which you want to check a text.

2) https://www.google.co.uk/
No errors found
Text checked remotely by languagetool.org

3) In a website that has no text field:
Please place the cursor in an editable field or select text (active element:

Only the message for 3) is consistent with the LT popup.

Make the LT message and the behavior of LT consistent.

Also, be consistent with terms. Use one of these, not both:
* text field
* editable field


Mike Unwalla
Contact: www.techscribe.co.uk/techw/contact.htm 

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Naber [mailto:daniel.na...@languagetool.org] 
Sent: 12 June 2016 10:04
To: LanguageTool Developer List
Subject: new LT add-on for Firefox


the rewritten Firefox add-on is now available at 
https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/languagetool/. It requires 
Firefox 48 (currently in beta), so if you are a Firefox beta user, 
please test our add-on and provide feedback. In about 6 weeks, Firefox 
48 will move out of beta so the extension can be used by every regular 
user of Firefox.

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