Larceny v0.94, "Doomsday Device", is now available for
download at

This release includes preliminary support for Snow
(aka Scheme Now!, )
on non-Windows systems [1].  Not coincidentally,
Larceny's FFIs have been improved, especially on
x86 machines.

Larceny v0.94 includes several extensions proposed
by the current draft R6RS: new lexical syntax [2],
Unicode characters and strings, bytevectors, the
procedural record layer sans inheritance [3], and
most of the R6RS i/o system.

We expect to add some of the other R6RS features in
future releases.

We thank Microsoft for its support of Common Larceny.
We thank Jonathan Kraut for letting Larceny use his
x86 assembler, Sassy.  We thank Mike Sperber for his
work on the reference implementations of the Unicode
and bytevector libraries proposed for R6RS.


[1]  We intend to support Snow under Windows but,
after contemplating the potential consequences of
waiting until we get sockets working on Windows,
decided not to delay our announcement of the
Doomsday Device.

[2]  Including case-sensitivity.  For details:

[3]  The new R6RS records coexist with Larceny's
traditional records, which continue to support

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