mat pod wrote:
hi there.

I've recompiled my kernel(2.4.22) and got the script working as its meant
to, and have spent the last two days trying to tweak it to do what i want
with semi success and was hoping someone might be able to offer some
pointers as google hasn't turned up any examples and what i thought would
work from reading the manuals i think i'm understanding wrong.
I've got a lan of 5 computers through an adsl modem/router with approx.
25kbps upstream and 56kbps down. The wondershaper is running on the web &
ftp server on eth0.
i've adjusted the DOWNLINK & UPLINK to ethernet limits and thats fine.
I've set the upstream ports to 80, 25 and the bittorrent ports that should
be assigned to class 3 (1:30) and changed the line that creates the class
from $[9*$UPLINK/10] to simply 23kbit to clamp it so that there is always
enough headroom for the other computers to operate ok in the outside world,
but this part does not seem to be behaving as i expected, with any requests
on these ports maxing out the bandwidth.
Can anyone suggest how i could go about adapting the script to apply this
kind of limiting.
thanx for your time,

I don't think filtering on the BT ports will always work as you can still run it without opening them, in that case the connections get set up by the tracker and may not contain the normal ports. There are ways of filtering BT see the p2p filter type projects on .

BT is also slightly harder to control as it uses full duplex tcp.

It may also be errors/omissions in the script/filter rules eg. I can't see why you set eth limits (CBQ?).



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