swcims wrote:
> Hi,Andy
>       I don't understand what you mean.I have a adsl router based on mips 
> linux2.4.17.In this adsl router,one side is 100Mbit ethernet card,another side is 
> adsl line,as following:
>       LAN------(ethernet)--------ADSL Router------(ADSL line)-------------WAN
>       On this adsl line,it can configue rfc1483bridge or router,or pppoe to get wan 
> ip from ISP. I think this side(upstream) is the bottleneck link. I ported 
> iproute2/tc on this router and i can control traffice on the upstream line.
>       But I got completely no idea for doing these: (from TR059 Technical Report DSL 
> Forum)
>       1.The device MUST support the capability to fragment AF and BE traffic in 
> order to constrain the perturbing impact of AF and BE packets on EF traffic delay, 
> for example using a mechanism such as MLPPP LFI.(RFC1990)
>       2. The packet size threshold before fragmenting AF and BE packets MUST be 
> configurable. 
>       Thank you very much!

What I mean is that if you want to mess around with packets below ip
level, the other end  - your ISP/teleco , will need to be running
software that knows what you are doing so that it can  reconstruct the
packets before routing.

If you have a specific need for your upstream not to be delayed more
than X ms you could adjust your MTUs/MSS clamp - the size will depend on
your bitrate and max delay required.


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