Hi, I would like to make a QoS configuration on a linux based dsl router. It
is for a server, so I want to shape outgoing traffic, incoming traffic
should not be a problem as long as I have a quite assymetric connection. I
would like to achieve the following goals:

1) To have one class (p2p) having all the available bandwith if there is no
activity on other classes.
2) If another class (ftp server), starts to transmit, to take it all the
available bandwith except for, say 20 KB/s, reserved for p2p.
3) If a third class (ssh, web), starts to transmit, again, to take all the
available bandwith except for the 20KB/s for p2p and 40 KB/s for ftp.

I have an upload link that varies from 700kbit to 1000kbit depending on the
negotiation of the line. I wouldn't like to artificially underlimit it to
work properly, remember that I'm doing the shaping on the same router, on
the real (nas0) interface, so in this case the speed of the interface is the
speed of the link, and I think that it's shouldn't be necessary to slow down
the upload speed... am I wrong?

The case is that I have tried to achieve this goals with several
configurations of htb, but none of them has worked as I expected. I set the
rate of the p2p class to 20KB/s and a higer one for ftp (40KB/s for
example), and also a higher priority. But when the ftp class begin to
transmit, the p2p class still remains borrowing from the paren over 20KB/s
while the ftp class is below its rate. I set the rate of the parent to
1000kbit. Is this behaviour normal? Is there any other way to achive the
above goals?

Thanks in advance for your help and your attention.
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