Hi all,
I've a routing problem. I'm setting up a router based on debian (kernel

I need to setup routing to export an ftp service (ftp server is in dmz)
to 2 wan (both).

I setup prerouting ad forward rule with no problem.

The problem is that reply packet use default gateway (default wan) even
though they are enter using the other wan.

I solved it marking packets in input from the dmz iface and force to use
another gateway (iproute2), but in this way I don't export ftp service
on default wan.

how I can setup routing to export ftp service on both iface?

Thanks in advance,

Dott. Fabio Marcone

2T srl
Telefono                                +39 - 0871- 540154
Fax                                     +39 - 0871- 571594
Email                                   fabio.marcone(AT)duet.it        
Indirizzo                               Viale B. Croce 573
                                        66013 Chieti Scalo (CH)
GNU/Linux registered user               #400424
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