> Hi there,
> sorry if this is a repost, but I've sent this message already last
> sunday, and I haven't got a copy from the list processor.... In case
> it never made it to the list, here's my question:
> I'm trying to build a framed page. Because I only wan't to have my
> custom buttons there, I've set
>    $NO_NAVIGATION = 1;
> to avoid the textual links
> and defined 
>       sub frame_navigation_panel {
>               "$CUSTOM_BUTTONS";
>       };

In which file are you making the definition ?

If within  .latex2html-init, then that has been loaded *before*
the frame.pl module, so your definition will be overridden.

There are two ways to get user-defined code read at a later time.

 A.  write a Perl module called  <filename>.perl
     where your job is called  <filename>.tex  (or <filename>.doc)

 B.  use the $AtBeginDocument_hook  e.g:
      $AtBeginDocument_hook .= 
        'sub frame_navigation_panel {$CUSTOM_BUTTONS};';

Note the '.=' for it is customary to *append* strings to
$AtBeginDocument_hook . These strings are later interpreted
as Perl code, using the  eval  operator.

> However, all the usual next/up/previuos buttons are still there...
> Maybe it's just a local problem using 99b3?

No; there has been no change to anything of this nature for 99b3.

>       All hints welcome

Hope this does it.


>               Uli
> -- 
>       Uli Wortmann
>       Dept. of Geology       Fax (Switzerland) (1) 632  1080
>       ETH-Zuerich            Fon                        3694
>         Visit the SPOC-team at http://www.spoc.ethz.ch

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