> Hello
> i am trying to convert a pdf file written in latex to an html using
> latex2html.  i typed latex2html "nameoffile".pdf 

What do you mean by "pdf file written in latex" ?
Do you mean the result of having used pdflatex on LaTeX source ?

LaTeX2HTML does not translate PDF;
it translates the LaTeX source (that produced the .pdf file).

You need the original source, and use:

   latex2html "nameoffile".tex

To go directly from the PDF to HTML, you need a different
kind of converter.
You might like to try this one:

TIP: Free PDF-to-HTML conversion
Users who want to convert a few files don't need plug-ins.

 ... however, I'd have grave doubts about how well this would
handle the mathematics.

> it returned an error message saying "Died at usr/local/bin/latex2html
> failed to read in doucment parts look up Globbing.

I'd say latex2html tried to read your .pdf file,
but ran into trouble at binary-encoded parts;
e.g. embedded fonts and streams.

> what does this mean and how can i get it to work?

Wrong approach; see above.

Hope this helps,

        Ross Moore

> thanks
> gavin
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