> When I use the questacute or exclamacute as ?` or !` in my input file
> I get the error message:
> "couldn't convert character exclamacute into available encodings"
> instead of converting it into '¿' or '¡'.

Yes, you are right; there's a bug in latex2html.pin .

It's an easy edit in  sub replace_strange_accents :

    s/\?`/&iso_map("questacute", "")/geo;
    s/!`/&iso_map("exclamacute", "")/geo;

    s/\?`/&iso_map("iquest", "")/geo;
    s/!`/&iso_map("iexcl", "")/geo;

Also, in  $LaTeX2HTMLDIR/versions/latin5.pl  the entity is called
 iexclam  instead of  iexcl , so that should also be changed (2 places).

> I am currently using V99.2beta6 (Revision 1.10).
> Is there a way to solve the problem without editing the output?

Yes, do the edits mentioned above, and re-install.
(Or edit the installed latex2html files instead.)

Hope this helps,

        Ross Moore

> Christian Mensing
> -- 
> Christian Mensing
> Lab. fuer Anorg. Chemie   tel             (+41) 1/ 632 2894 / 4939
> ETH Zentrum CAB B17       fax             (+41) 1/ 632 1149
> Universitaetstrasse 6     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> CH 8092 Zuerich          
> http://www.inorg.chem.ethz.ch/group/mensing.html
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