> --- Geert Kloosterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I couldn't find anything in the documentation on
> > this, so I suppose
> > this is a bug.  I've checked it with the latest
> > version I could find,
> > 2K.1beta.  
> Hi l2hians,
>  I just joined this mailing list because of a problem
> and to my surprise the first mail states the same
> problem (henningsen). Here is the error I get on 'make
> test' : (I am using the latest 2k.1 ver. on RedHat7.0)
> Converting image #1
> pstoimg: Error: "/usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  <
> /tmp/l2h1256/p1272.pnm | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose 
> -bot -black  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -l -black  |
> /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -r -black  |
> /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -l -black  |
> /usr/bin/ppmquant -floyd 256 | /usr/bin/pnmtopng
> -interlace -trans '#ffffff'  > img1.png" failed:
> Illegal seek
> Q. what is the next step? 

Please check which version of pnmcrop is being used.
The most recent is v9.13 available at


Also, you should check at  www.latex2html.org 
for the latest version of pstoimg and the installation
scripts to customise it for the newer pnmcrop versions.

> I am desperately trying to setup LaTeX2html to convert
> my universities devnag files to html to setup our
> Hindi website. devnag package is supported in IndicTeX
> in LaTeX2html. 
>  after 'make install' or using the LaTeX2html on
> debian (as made by manoj srivastava)  and using the
> comman 'latex2html rspnirala.tex', I get this error:
>  *** translating preamble ***
> ................
> Warning: No implementation found for package: dev.
> Warning: No implementation found for package:
> devnagri...
>  *** preamble done ***
> The first few lines of the devnag doc are:
> documentclass[a4paper]{report}
> \usepackage{dev}
> \usepackage[devnag]{devnagri}
> \author{{\dn{{\tiny{vyaakhyaakaara}} vaagii"sa
> "sukla}}}
> \title{{\dn{{\small{mahaakavi niraalaa k.rta}}\\raama
> kii "saktipuujaa\\{\tiny{kii eka vyaakhyaa}}}}}
> \date{}
> \begin{document}

> Do I need to set some other variables? Can somebody
> help me out- this is pretty urgent.

I'll test this at work tomorrow.

All the best,

        Ross Moore

> I am attaching the relevant files.
> Thank you,
> Amitabh Trehan
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