> For some reason, the latex2html converts the section headings into
> links. I have asked our perl developer to look into it to see why the
> section headers get converted to links but he has not been able to find
> the answer.
> Maybe someone can help me with this problem?

Please provide a URL where we can see the bad results that you are getting.
Also, if the LaTeX source is available, then it would be useful to see
that too.

What happens in the screen output from a LaTeX2HTML run ?
It should show the name of each section as it occurs, along with
the file that will contain its body.
Does that show any evidence of unusual information ?

> These links don't actually link up to anything but they have the <a tag>
> and it looks like a link?

Certainly each section should have a <A NAME="..."> tag.
There should not be links within the section, except perhaps
to an image (e.g. if the title contains mathematics, or special
characters that are not part of the usual latin character-set)
via an <IMG ....> tag.

Without seeing either the source or results, I cannot help you
any more than this.

All the best,

        Ross Moore
> Thanks
> Ayesha
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