Hi Erling,

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Erling D. Andersen wrote:

> Hi,
> I am not perl hacker at all but in
> config.pl

To know how to fix the reg-exp, we need to know how your version
of dvips identifies itself.

Can you reply to this email, including the lines that  dvips
prints when it first starts up.
In a terminal, or DOS window, or whatever, please try:
  dvips --help    or  dvips -help   or  dvips -h
  dvips --version  or   dvips -version  or  dvips -v
or whatever else might reveal the startup message.
Try several, in case the responses are different.

> after the code

Also, the error may not be with the actual version string,
as the regex below should detect any of:
    dvips 5.94a
    DVIPS 5.94A
    dvipsk 5.94a
    dvips(k) 5.94a
and many other similar patterns.

So to check what is happening, can you please add some print lines:

>   foreach $veropt (@tryopts) {
>       my ($stat,$msg,$err) = &get_out_err("$dvips $veropt");
>       $msg .= $err || '';

print "\nSTAT:$stat, MSG=$msg";
>       if(!$stat && $msg =~ /(?:^| )dvips(?:\(k\)|k|)\s*(\d+[.]?\d*[A-Z]?)/is) {
>         $version = $1;
print "; VERSION=$version\n";
>         last;
>       }
>     }
> I added the line
>     $version = '5.94a';

:-)   Yes, that'll work, until you upgrade.  :-)

> which make things work. Of course this is not general hack but it works
> in this case and may work for others as well.
> Properly the regular expression above should be modified. But who knows how to do 
> that.

Please try adding the 'print' lines above, and send me the result
when you run  config  again.

> Regards

Thanks for the report,

        Ross Moore

> Erling
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