
I try to use latex2html to convert a document with custom environments. For example, here is a customized \input:


First, I tried to let tex handle this command with:

&process_commands_in_tex (<<_RAW_ARG_CMDS_);
relinput # {} # {}

But the file in question is said not to be found even if it exists.

Then, I tried to adapt the subroutine do_cmd_input in the following way, but I have got the same problem.

$relinput_rep = ".";

sub do_cmd_relinput {
    local($_) = @_;
    (s/\s*(.*)\s*\n/$rep =$1;''/s) unless (
    (s/\s*(.*)\s*\n/$file =$1;''/s) unless (
    local($after) = $_;
    $oldrep = $relinput_rep;
    $relinput_rep = "$relinput_rep$dd$rep";
    $file = &revert_to_raw_tex("\\input{$relinput_rep$dd$file}\n") if $file;
    if ($PREAMBLE) { &add_to_preamble('include',$file)}
    elsif (!($file=~/^\s*$/)) {
        $output = &process_undefined_environment('center'
                , ++$global{'max_id'},"\\vbox{$file}");
    $relinput_rep = $oldrep;

Any idea ?

I've also got other questions: Can I add a custom directory with my own perl subroutines? Where can I find a documentation on how to add environments to latex2html (I tried to read the code, but a clear documentation would be better)?



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