(Top-posting because my reply is brief.)

The change you suggest to l2hconf.pm did the trick.  I'm embarrassed
to admit that once I thought to look at this file in the previous,
working version, well, this change was there too -- presumably why
it worked! -- but somehow didn't get propagated with other local
modifications to the new version.  Well, fixed now, and maybe I'll
remember next time!

Many thanks!

-- blm

On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 07:48:01PM -0600, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:
>>  On 1/8/2018 7:42 PM, Berna Massingill wrote:
>>  >Subject kind of says it:  The images generated for inline math
>>  >have a black bar across the bottom of each image file.  This is
>>  >with the latest version of latex2html available from CTAN (file
>>  >latex2html-2017.2.tar.gz).  The problem does not occur with a previous
>>  >version (also from CTAN, file latex2html-2012.tgz).  I remember running
>>  >into this problem at some point in the dim past and someone local to
>>  >me coming up with a patch, but that patch has apparently been lost.
>>  >
>>  >I feel like this is a know problem and is discussed periodically,
>>  >but I'm not finding previous discussions (very possibly because I
>>  >don't know how to search for them effectively -- the list archives
>>  >aren't searchable, are they?).
>>  >
>>  >Help appreciated!
>>  >
>>  From https://www.12000.org/my_notes/l2hwin/index.htm   it says
>>  down the page under "Some errors and possible solution"
>>  "some of the bitmap images produced for the mathematics
>>  in the document have a solid dark bar, usually at the
>>  bottom or the side of the bitmap image. The reason for
>>  this is unknown. But I found by trial and error that
>>  setting the following values in my l2hconf.pm eliminated
>>  most if not all of these
>>    $MATH_SCALE_FACTOR = 1.8;
>>    $DISP_SCALE_FACTOR = 1.0;
>>  Some mathematics equations are still underlined, even
>>  after doing the above. I found this was the case when I
>>  was using linux. If you still see the underlines, then
>>  try the following: edit l2hconf.pm and set the value of DVIPSOPT as follows
>>             $DVIPSOPT = '-E' ;
>>  "
>>  You could try the above and see if it works for you.
>>  --Nasser
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Dr. Berna L. Massingill
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Trinity University
One Trinity Place; San Antonio, TX 78212-7200
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