Rereading my mail, I think it can be seen as a more general problem.

The actual question is how to connect external code to the latex2html one.
If it is possible then it gives the possibility to use the hypertext links of
the main program.

Let me explain what I'm doing now

1- I run latex2html standard mode

2- I start the added code (search tool in common lisp) 

3- I run latex2html on the result of the search

4 - BUT THEN of course the hypertext link, although they have correct links,
they can't connect.

Thanks in advance


On Sat, 2019-10-12 at 09:11 +0000, Jacques B. Siboni wrote:
> Hello
> I am in the process of designing a search tool running on latex2html.
> there are 2 rounds. 
> -  The first round is a standard latex2html run. Upon this run many words have
> an \htmlref reference
> - The second round is a new latex2html run with the search tool. 
> But of course the \htmlref references are not the same. What I need is to 
> find a
> way to grab the references of the first run to include them in the second run,
> to be able to be linked to the first run. Otherwise the references are 
> useless.
> Does anyone have an idea of a solution?
> Thanks in advance, and a good day
> Jacques Siboni

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