Dear colleagues  L2H

the problem I had is that there is a huge main program, and a very small

Namely there is a thesaurus of 5500 entries for the main and a search segment 
generated for each client demand. 

As I understand L2H even with a make, when there is a modification on the
all of the main is recompiled (it last a few minutes)

And when recompiling only the segment it pollutes the main by adding many
which become unreachable by the main.

there might be some ways to do it but I failed. I finally found a workaround not
too dirty:

--- When the main has been built I use chattr +i for all the files (linux of
the result is that all of the files depending of main become immutable.

--- Then when I run the segment, it runs ok but with a few set of warnings but
the result is
very satisfying:

--- All of the main references are accessible

--- All of the segment references refer perfectly to the main

If you're interested to test it (it's in French)

the main is at

The segment is at

In a future version of l2h maybe this kind of facility might me added
by modifying directly the l2h code. I am personally  to bad a programmer in Perl
even to try.

All the best


Jacques B. Siboni mailto:jacsib@Lutecium.org8 pass. Charles Albert, F75018 
Paris, FranceTel: +33 142 287 678 Port: +33 612 536 959Home Page:  Lutecium pages:

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