At 13:18 -0800 01/15/2004, Jason Dunham wrote:
>I'm using Linux (RH8) and trying to get a LabVIEW VI to run when the
>system boots up.
>I added a line to /etc/rc.local, but it doesn't seem to have an effect
>The line was
>/usr/local/lv70/labview /home/jason/
>The computer already boots into a normal X-window session
>Any ideas or tips?  Is there a list of command-line switches for

I am not up on Linux but under OS X (free bsd un*x) the command would be
open /usr/local/lv70/labview /home/jason/

the open command tells the OS to open the application associated with the VI.  You 
need to launch the application and then tell it to open the document.

But I just checked and it can also be done by executing LabVIEW with a VI file as the 
argument.  (again at least on OS X) but I think it works as well on Windows/linux.  So 
for my installation it would be:

/Applications/National\ Instruments/LabVIEW\ 7.0/ 

(all on one line with a space in front of the vi file name).  Be sure that the VI is 
set to auto-run at launch.


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