At 14:25 -0600 01/16/2004, Scott Serlin wrote:
>I  do not have any controls to access in my vi state machine.  As an
>example, I control a piece of equipment that labview turns on, gets some
>measurements, logs those measurements to a database, and then shuts
>down.  I do not access any front panel controls to run my via.  All of
>that is done through a test executive.  My state machine is set up by
>placing a string in each case statement that refers to the next state.
>The initial string is set outside of the while loop that makes up the
>state machine. Can I still utilize the strict type def enum solution in
>a similar manner or better?

I think so.  If it is an enum then the case statement will automatically allow 
intermediate states to be created with the correct case when the enum is modified.

As an enum you can use the increment primitive to go to the next state in a sequence.

As an enum defining the next state to go to is not susceptible to typos.


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