Hi again,
I think I found a solution:
-right click on the graph, select CWgraph3D/property
- Click on the Format tab and select YAxis
- Select date format and the format that you want
Now you can input the time values in Y to be displaied on the graph.
The problem is that the 3D graph has a date/time start reference at
the date 12/30/1999 00:00.00;  while LV has 01/01/1904 00:00.00
Another important thing is that the format for the date/time input for
a 3D graph has to be expressed in days (NOT in seconds)since the
reference date.
Therefore you have to subtract from your time values in seconds the
number of seconds between 12/30/1999 00:00.00 and 01/01/1904 00:00.00
(use LV time functions for calculation); then divide all by 86400
(number of seconds/day).
Hope it helps, good job anyway!

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