
I keep getting this error when I run my executable.  I am using
Labview 6.1 on Windows XP.  I followed the troubleshooting guide from
NI website to disable the run in multithread and I am not calling any
library(that I know of). My application does use the Database
connectivity toolkit which communicates with a Microsoft Access
Database and I am using Kepware OPC server to communicate with an
HC900.  The error doesn't show up right away.  It seems to happen
after it runs for 12 hours or more.  I disabled the hibernation on my
PC, the screen saver, I also disable a whole lot of services that
loads when windows opens and I still keep getting the error.  Another
thing that my application does is it stores temperature values into
files.  I am using multiple open, write and read file VI.  I was
thinking that maybe this is the problem, but I have created other
application in the past that uses multiple of the same VI with no
problem.  Another thing that comes into mind is that the files that
are being created are being open also into graph/chart.  Could this
error happen when I try to open and write to the same file at the same
time.  Any help at this time would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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