> How about a simple GroupBox next time?

There are lots of NI engineers on this list, including me.  In fact, I 
was the head of the team that developed the UI controls for LabVIEW and 
developed a few of them myself.  The groupbox that adapts to the 
platform, and draws like in the Windows style on Windows is on the 
Dialog palette along with platform adapting buttons, numerics, etc.

And in a perfect world, I suppose the grouprect would include a built-in 
label, though I'd often hide it.  To me the grouprect is a graphical 
nicety and independent of grouping and labeling.

We will consider adding it, but as you mentioned, there are lots of 
instrumentation and more advanced UI things that will likely take 
precedent, so the grouping that I mentioned will only take a few 
seconds, and once grouped, it works pretty much like what you describe.

Greg McKaskle

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