I apologize for the cross posting, but I have gotten messages from all these groups!

There is a new version of the PCI-GPIB  driver for Mac OS X.  Due to people asking, I 
have recompiled the driver for Mac OS X and corrected some problems so it now runs 
under Panther.  This has minimal testing so feed back is appreciated!  I am trying to 
get it out there since there seems to be some demand.

The new driver can be obtained at:

The new kernel extension will work with Igor and OS X 10.3.3 as well.  Follow the read 
me file about renaming for that.  An XOP for Igor is included.

The labview libraries are much improved to handle some newly implemented calls (Wait 
for SRQ etc.).  I also, have added a few more emulation routines that make live a lot 


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