Are you using the standard SAVE dialog?  Or are you using a custom VI
as a dialog?

If you're using the standard box, you can't change its location. You
could move the window that calls it (the one with the info you want to
see).  Make it bigger, move the buttons to the outside edge, whatever.
You could actually move it (record it's window position, set new
position to 0,0, run dialog, restore original position), although
that's a bit jarring.  You could suggest a file name using the info
("Run13 High Speed.txt" or something).  You could put the info into
the prompt ("Please save the data for the high-speed run13").

If you are using a custom VI as a dialog, then you're free to move it
(set its position) wherever. You could copy the info from the calling
VI and display it on the SAVE dialog.

Hope there's an idea you can use in there.

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