Hi George
I have used SubVI quite extensively, and I always insert VI before I run them (I did not realized it was recommended to run before inserting) and I did not experience any problems with this approach.

"Seifert, George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In the subpanel examples I've seen it's recommended that the Run VI node be executed (with "wait until done" set to False) before the Insert VI node is executed. It seems that my application begs to turn all that around. I want to set "wait until done" to True so that I can use the Get Control Value node to return values from the VI in the subpanel when it finishes (maybe there's a better way to do that). In that case the Insert VI node has to come before the Run VI node so the VI is displayed in the subpanel while it's executing. Is there any thing wrong with that approach?


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