"Irene He" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Sure we would appreciate real freeware and thanks for it,
>but there is no need to depreciate non freeware, I would
>have understand if these people are from some non-profit
>organization like university, but people from industry
>they should accept non freeware just as with freeware if
>they don't provide free service themselves.

Who doesn't like freebees? :-)
And of course it is easier to look over an advertisement for
some free tools than an aggressive commercial ad. 
However to actually sell LabVIEW add-ons is a very tough thing
for anyone who is not National Instruments. It requires usually
more in effort such as marketing, support, documentation and
such than you can in most cases earn through its sales.

>Regarding the ad, I like to see some short ad in this list. I
>like to get notified about new things in LabVIEW world, so that
>I know one day if I need this feature, there is a way to go
>rather than sitting in the dark. There are too many information
>in internet, but there are only few places to hang out for me
>like this forum, so I would like to get notified here to make
>me feel it's powerful to work with LabVIEW, because you can do
>so many things...or would you rather not knowing things that
>is capable with LabVIEW?

I have nothing against a short announcement for some new tools or
products related to LabVIEW on this list, and in fact our former
list maintainer Tom had a policy of explicitedly allowing such
advertisements if they were brief and not intrusive, and offered
people in case of doubt to ask his opinion about if a message was
appropriate for the list or not. I certainly assume that this
also applies to the current list maintainer.

What I consider absolutely intolerable would be to harvest some or
all of the email addresses from the Info-LabVIEW posts and start
to mail out advertisements even for free stuff.

>Hope this makes sense.

Of course it does ;-)

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BV    tel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H                  fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
2288 EG Rijswijk        http://www.citengineering.com
Netherlands             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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