Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

Not only did you work the second or third shift at work, but you worked
"the second shift" in regard to coming home and starting a new shift.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Jackie:
> For many years.  :)  Actually I liked it.  The shift I really liked to
> work, believe it or not, was the ll/7 am.  The reason being there
> weren't any visitors, docs, and very little administration around (if
> any).   But the 3/11 shift was alright too.  The only hard thing about
> it is that is the time of the day when you most want to be around your
> family.  But you have to make do, sometimes.
> Sue
> >
> > Hi Sue
> >
> > Sounds like you worked "The Second Shift" too. : (
> >
> > jackief
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