Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue :)

Please look under the Subject of Serial Killers I just typed up some
things concerning them. Terry I'm going to address your post in the
morning it's now 4:15a.m. and I need to catch some sleep :) 

Sue Hartigan wrote:
> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy and Terry:
> Wouldn't anyone who kills, no matter what the reason, a "series" of
> people be consider a serial killer.  Be it revenge, sexual, or
> otherwise.  Just wondering.  :)
> Sue
> >
> > Hi Kathy,
> >
> > >As I said before I am by far not a expert on SK's I do know a bit about
> > >them though...
> >
> > Only a fool would question that. :-}
> >
> > >The extra Chromosome as you are discussing below may be a key into the
> > >cause of SK's, it's just not known yet. It would be nice if we could
> > >find out what causes it, and hopefully they can pin down some definite
> > >medical reasons.
> >
> > Understand the extra chromosome is still quite controversial and evidence is
> > mixed.  In the particular case of Shawcross it seemed even less implicated
> > than the other apparent genetic defect which seemed to be ignored except in
> > one dark corner.  I know of no evidence that all serial killers share any
> > particular genetic or environmental defect though many things are quite common.
> >
> > Shawcross varied from the profile of most serial killers in numerous ways.
> > This monster was really odd.  Examples:  His first killings were those of a
> > pedophile.  He would not have been expected to transfer his killings to
> > adult women.  He was capable of taking responsibility for his actions rather
> > than blaming the victim
> >
> > >Concerning Hoffman I agree he is not a SK, more of a exterminator out
> > >for revenge is what it looks like to me...
> >
> > Ummm - I looked up serial killer in a dictionary without success.
> >
> > >a SK has a very specific profile,
> >
> > Aren't you turning things upside down, Kathy?  If we take the profile of all
> > serial killers we will no doubt get common characteristics of many.  But
> > that does not define serial killers.
> >
> > >in that it's rare they will know their victims, and they get
> > >sexual gratification from the torture of their victims.
> >
> > Is Ted Kaczynski then not a serial killer?  Sexual gratification is a
> > nebulous concept itself.  It is arguable whether serial killers are simply
> > looking for sex or the sex is a means of gratifying an even more powerful
> > lust, e.g. that for power.  I am sure some will argue Ted Kaczynski got a
> > sexual thrill from his bombings.
> >
> > >Revenge at a victim is not something in the psych of a SK, now sometimes
> > >there is someone who the victims will represent, mother or grandmother, and
> > >that is how they will pick their victims.
> >
> > Seems to me revenge is an even more obvious motive of serial killing than
> > sexual thrills.  And Wayne Williams' murky motivation seems furthest removed
> > from all others I know of.
> >
> > I have never heard anyone deny Wayne Williams was a serial killer if you
> > assume his guilt (as I do).  The fiber evidence is quite convincing IMO.
> >
> > Understanding a phenomenon requires that one look at the edges and find
> > dividing lines as well as looking for commonality.
> > Best,     Terry
> --
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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Kathy E
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