Steve Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Hi Kathy,
>My point was not that the women involved in these gruesomw murders
>deserved anything better than they got, but that such acts further
>brutalize society to the point we are on the verge of killing even our
>children in lethal chambers.
>And there are far, far more men committing horrible crimes than there are
>women committing them.  Crime among males is so common that I'm not sure
>we can afford not to execute some of the worst offenders for our own
>Women can also fight with men shoulder to shoulder in combat, but again I
>call upon my own gender bias to say I hate to see them on the front lines
>in a war.  For one thing men are much better fighters.  Most women
>realloy are the gentler sex.
>These are just one woman's opinion.

I still disagree, men and women do think differently and have different
approaches to problem solving but if you look, you will see that women have
the ability to be just as distinguished in battle or as violent as men. Its
just that women have been told for hundreds of years now that there place is
in the home and many feel that is right.  If you think about it women make
great technicians, great pilots, and formidable snipers (one of the best
shots in the British army is a woman, she can shoot someone in the temple
from 3 miles away) .  Not because they are any more intelligent, or
aggressive but because they approach things differently.


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