DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-04-01 18:07:12 EST, you write:

<< Nice to hear someone has heard of "Bobby, baby."  Hope in a positive way.
 taught me so much.  I was truly amazed at his phenomenal memory.  His office
 a virtual library--thousands of books, but if you asked a question, he would
 say--oh, and locate the book he wanted in a minute, turn to the chapter and
 me to read that.  I did a number of independent studies with him and
everytime I
 came back to my office I had six or seven more books to read.  It was a
 joke on the grad floor when I came in, everyone would say "Oh, oh, jackie has
 been to Hollinger's office again."   But I loved it

Yes, highly positive.  Don't you love teachers like that?  They make all the
rest of the grad school nonsense worthwhile.

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