[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Sorry I inadvertently changed the subject line.

There are exceptions to all rules, and , no, I do not think women should
receive lighter sentences for abusing or killing children than men.  Each
case should be judged on its merits and the penalty "customized" to fit
the situation and crime.  So often women's darker crimes are based on 
survival, burn out or trying to please men,  And there are some crimes
the law is ill equipped to handle, such as the case of the young Asiatic
wife betrayed by an adulterous and rejecting husband who in her torment
and in compliance with her own customs, took their children into the
ocean and drowned them.  (This tragedy happened a few years ago in LA). 
Death penalty laws are too rigid and all encompassing at present. 

I maintain the day we end up with death rows of women and children
awaiting execution will be a sorry day indeed.


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