"Steve Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thats brilliant, in a place I used to work in I sent a lad out to town and
asked him to buy me a Look Straight<lol>, he phoned up and the boss answered
and all you could hear was his roaring laughter from the office :-), I got
an extra biscuit with my morning coffee for that one.  Not quite as good as
sending someone to stores for a long stand though................

Best Steve

-----Original Message-----
From: William J. Foristal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, April 02, 1998 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: L&I Annual Internet cleaning

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
>HI Jackie,
>The place where I used to work had a PA system.  A co-worker pulled a
>prank that he thought would simply be greeted with chuckles.  (This was
>not on April 1, however)
>He dialed the PA system and announced:
>"Attention all employees.  GTE has just informed us that they will be
>cleaning out the phone lines at 9am this morning.  A short burst of
>compressed air will be sent through the lines to blow out all the
>accumulated dust.  To avoid getting dust on yourself or your desk please
>remove the hand set from your phone and place it inside an inter office
>envelope.  Do this at 8:58am.  You will be notified when it is safe to
>replace your hand set."
>He made the announcement about 8:30am and then forgot about it.  Around
>9:10am he walked through the word processing department and EVERY one of
>the phones had the handset sitting there inside the envelope.  LOL...a
>quick survey that day showed that many others had fallen for the prank
>also.  I was feeling lucky that I was sitting in his office when he made
>the announcement.
>On Wed, 01 Apr 1998 17:37:00 -0600 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Hi Kathy
>>I got that message about 2 months ago, so I recognized it and started
>>laughing as soon as I saw it.
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