Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

-=Today's Puzzle:
 Hyperborea is divided into three regions. Those who live in the
 southern region are known as Soroeans and always speak truthfully;
 those who live in the northern region are known as Nororeans and
 always speak falsely, and those who live in the middle region are
 known as Midroreans and make statements that are alternately true
 and false, but in which order is unknown.
 Apollo decides to visit the Hyperboreans, his most favored people,
 in disguise. He approaches three inhabitants and asks which region
 each represents. The three respond, as follows:
 A: I am a Sororean.
 B: I am a Nororean.
 C: 1. They are both lying.
    2. I am a Midrorean.
 Assuming that each represents a different region, which is the
 Sororean, which is the Nororean, and which is the Midrorean?*
 -=Yesterday's Answer:
 Homophobia - Raise and Raze, which means "to erect" and "to tear

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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