Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Doc

Thanks for clarifying.  Somehow that sounds poetic in a way, much better than
disease or even disorder.  One of my teachers once said that the early writers
in the social sciences wrote more colorfully and poetically and that is why she
thought they were more enjoyable to read.  She felt they used metaphors and
painted pictures for the reader.  Of course she studied in England and her
dissertation tied Freud and Parson together, so that may account for some of her
thoughts on this.


DocCec wrote:

> DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In a message dated 98-03-11 06:53:52 EST, you write:
> << Anything ending in "ology" means study of--that one throws me sometimes
>                  though--Doc what is pathology--the study of paths??? <g> >>
> You're not all that far off -- "pathos" is Greek for suffering, so........
> Doc
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I toss and turn all night.    Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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