Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The first two victims credited to Henry Brisbon were James Schmidt, a  
Chicago businessman, and his fiancee, Dorothy Cerny, both 25. While   
traveling on Highway 57, in Cook County, on the night of June 3, 1973, 
Schmidt and Cerny were stopped by a gang of four men, dragged from their
vehicle and forced to lie down on the grassy shoulder of the road.
Brisbon was identified as the triggerman who killed them both with
close-range shotgun blasts as they lay helpless on the ground.

Conviction on a charge of double murder earned Brisbon a sentence of
1,000 to 3,000 years, but the prison term was less impressive than it
sounded.  Actually, Brisbon could have been paroled in just eleven
years, but he was not content to wait. On October 19, 1978, he used a
sharpened soup ladle to stab inmate Ronald Morgan at the Statesville
penitentiary, striking without apparent motive. While awaiting trial for
that murder, Brisbon took part in a 1979 riot and was transferred to the
maximum security lockup at Menard.

Brisbon was convicted of Morgan's murder on January 22, 1982, and a
month later he was sentenced to die. Leaving the courtroom after
pronouncement of sentence, Brisbon told his guards, "You'll never get
me. I'll kill again. Then you'll have another long trial. And then I'll
do it again." As good as his word, Brisbon tried it again on February
15, 1983. Slipping out of handcuffs and breaking away from a guard on
death row, he used a piece of sharpened heavy-gauge wire to stab
convicted killers William Jones and John Wayne Gacy. (Neither man was
seriously injured.) At this writing, Brisbon is awaiting execution --
and, undoubtedly, preparing for his next attempt at homicide.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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