Leonard Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Dr. L.D.

I've been following this for a while and find it very interesting.  Hope
they can finally cut Gates down to size on a couple of things.  This
Internet explorer he's trying to jam down everyone's throat is a peice of
crap.  Maybe he'll wake up soon.


At 05:30 PM 3/3/1998 -0800, you wrote:
>"Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Dear News.Com Dispatch Reader:
>The tech world doesn't get more dramatic than this. Today on Capitol
>Sen. Orrin Hatch grilled Bill Gates over whether Microsoft is a monopoly
>subject to antitrust laws.
>As industry rivals Scott McNealy and Jim Barksdale looked on, Gates
>back against the charges that have dogged his company since the start of
>the Justice Department's investigation.
>NEWS.COM's special coverage from Washington brings you the full story,
>including comments by McNealy and Barksdale, as well as live feeds from
>CNET Radio.
>   http://www.news.com/SpecialFeatures/0%2C5%2C19637%2C00.html?nd
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