Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Kathy

We are really becoming international--that is wonderful.  Looking forward to
all the info.


Kathy E wrote:

> Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi all just a warning, I'm finally getting back up on my feet health
> wise, I was a bit sick, and now I am going to be catching up on email.
> And Netcom was so nice they decided to hold 90% of my email and dump it
> all on me at once this morning, almost 400 messages!!!!! So expect a lot
> of output over the weekend from Moi :) Sorry some of it is delayed.
> On the private side some of you have written me private notes, and I
> just looked in my "to do" folder and I apologize some of those are up to
> a month old, I will be getting to those also. And anyone who wants to
> try their hand as a private secretary is more than welcome to apply! LOL
> Just joking there :) I do answer the mail myself just not in the time
> span most expect :)
> Greeting to all the new members :)  We even have a new member from
> Japan:) :) Now we have the U.S., the UK and Japan, and one person I am
> talking to from Australia who is a lawyer (barrister) there, as soon as
> his schedule is freed up some he plans on joining in with us :)
> --
> Kathy E
> "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
> isn't looking too good for you either"
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