Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Oh Sue

A "true sister," one I never have had.  If it says user friendly I can find
out where it is not without even trying.  I am not known as the "nemesis" to
the computer services people at all the schools I have been at for nothing.
Poor Kathy, she has two of us on the list.  I even have to have the students
run the VCR--I won't tell you of my experiences with that piece of modern
equipment.  I can get the VCR to do things it is not programmed to do,
believe me!!  You should see me with a Barco system that they use in
auditoriums for multimedia.  And the school may send me to a computer
workshop for Microcase.  Look out microcase.



Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Kathy:
> I am really LMAO with this one. <BG>
> Make life interesting for me !!!  Wouldn't it be your life that would be
> made interesting, with all the HELP KATHY subject lines.  <BG>
> Hey everyone, I am being very serious about that!  Kathy spent a year
> telling me how to make an address book and how to use it, only to go to
> a server!  Now you all tell me is that fair?  I now know how to use an
> address book, and don't have any reason to use it.  But I do have one
> now.  :)  And I know how to use it. :)  Never mind downloading a program
> or a picture. :)  I just save them.
> I was on the CTV list for months talking in private to everyone, before
> Bill informed me that if you hit the send all you could talk to everyone
> at once.  I haven't shut up since.  <BG>
> Want to put Bill Gates out of business?  Put me in his class.  Microsoft
> will never be the same.  <BG>
> Sue
> >
> > Hi All :)
> >
> > Sue your a dear but I agree you should NOT be a tester for computer
> > programs LOL.. Of course it could make things very interesting for you
> > :) :)
> --
> Two rules in life:
> 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
> 2.
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